HRNZ handicapping changes

J Scott Former News, Latest News


Media Release
Fri, July 12, 2013




Age Group Concessions and Formal “Drop Back”


The Handicapping sub-committee met on Wednesday 10th July.

The sub-committee comprises John Lischner (Chairman), Erin Crawford, Pat O’Brien, Steve Phillips, Brian Rabbitt, Kevin Smith, Mark Jones, Ken Barron, Darrin Williams. Also present (filling in for apologies of David Butcher and Hamish Hunter) were Rob Lawson, Jason Broad, Edward Rennell and Andrew Morris. Observing were Ray O’Connor and Colin Hair.

Considerable feedback had been received around Handicapping issues in the lead up to the meeting and the HRNZ Board had at its previous meeting directed correspondence to the sub-committee for discussion.

These items included a review of the current age group concessions, a formalised “drop back” system, inclusion of assessments, merits of a rating system for field selection and other programming enhancements.

Lengthy discussion took place at the meeting. The sub-committee reviewed the current system and looked at opportunities within it that had merit, along with comments received from industry participants.

The details outlined below were agreed to and were confirmed by the HRNZ Board at its meeting on 11 July 2013.

The HRNZ Racing Manager – Darrin Williams is to draft Handicapping Regulations and associated regulations in line with these changes for the HRNZ Board to confirm prior to the Annual Conference.

In addition to these, a rating system for field selection will be researched. Further information on this will be presented during the new season.

Whilst not everyone will agree with all aspects of the changes, they do respond to the feedback that had been received. The sub-committee and Board believe the approved changes will maximise the use of the racing population.

The changes also allow regional differences in programming to continue along with other conditioned opportunities. The changes are proposed to take effect as follows:

1. Age Group Concessions – start date August 1, 2013

2. Formalised “Drop Back” Assessment System – start date October 29, 2013
(using it for programmes from week starting 7 October 2013)

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