Tests reveal general joint issues

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A skeletal scinitgraphy bone scan test has revealed some general joint issues could be affecting last season’s Trotter of the Year, Master Lavros.

Overport Lodge trainer Mark Jones sent the giant Sundon gelding to Matamata to undergo the scinitraphy test after Master Lavros mixed his gait in his early racing this season.

Master Lavros, has another Glenferrie Farm Challenge target in March.

Master Lavros, has another Glenferrie Farm Challenge target in March.

The test, which results in the production of two-dimensional images after the internal administration of a radiopharmaceutical dye imaging agent, found signs of general wear and tear in his front joints and stifles.

“The report said to just carry on with him,” Mark said.

“So we will treat him with irap, then swim him for a few weeks and carry on as it’s a thing that has to be managed and a long spell won’t fix.”

“I would love to get back to the Glenferrie Challenge with him,” he said.

The Glenferrie Farm Challenge is a $A200,000 Group One trot staged at Tabcorp Park, Menangle, New South Wales, on March 1.

Mark was hugely disappointed Master Lavros broke stride at the start of this year’s Glenferrie Challenge over 1609m, after trialling boldly in the lead-up.

Master Lavros returned to New Zealand, regaining his best in the NZ Trotting Championship and Cannam Rowe Cup, before being spelled.

Mark is keen to show Australia trot fans what Master Lavros can do when he’s in form.

Master Lavros, only six, has raced 36 times for 15 wins, earning $358,646 in stakes for owner Kypros Kotzikas.